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    Discuss This Story
    Set Review: 76244 Miles Morales vs Morbius
    ReviewThursday, July 6th, 2023 at 6:25am by Jason, BZPower Reporter

    From the design of the box to the instruction manual, these are the first things you see before building the set.

    Image of Box Front Image of Box Back Image of Contents

    On first glance, this seems like another superficial Marvel set. Miles doesn't even have a driver's license, much less a giant car; Spider-Man doesn't drive, he web-slings. But then I took a look at the car design, and wow it looks like a fancy Speed Champion vehicle accidentally found itself under the Marvel brand. So yeah, let's check this out.

    The set sells for $24.99 USD and comes with 220 pieces.

    What kinds of interesting pieces are included with the set? What are the minifigures like?

    Image of Figs

    Miles is not too different from he previous iterations, as far as I can tell. Red on black printing looks great, he's immediately recognizable. Morbius is a first time fig, and since he can't hold his own set he gets to chill with Spidey. His white chest printing is faded, and he's got two faces. The bat is a bat.

    Set Design
    Now that the set is complete, we can critique how it looks from every angle. New or interesting pieces can also be examined here.

    Image of Car Side Image of Car Back Image of Car Front

    The car has a sleek design, and again wouldn't look out of place from Speed Champion. There's some nice angles on the hood, and repeated elements are used to create the front's shaping. (The trans yellow quarter circle tiles are rare too.) The sides have some nice color layering for the doors, and the exclusive windshield completes the flow. The back gets a little more... for lack of a better term, Marvely. You have some nice angles behind the tires, but the spoiler is an odd construct connected to a technic beam, which allows you to raise and lower it slightly. I first thought this was to hide some mechanism, but nope the car doesn't have anything like that. (Beyond the stud shooters on the sides.) And then there's the giant blue flame, an exclusive recolor of the Ninjago crystal sword from last year. The piece is a bit janky as far as car exhaust goes, but the element itself is lovely and it's totally worth it to get a copy in this set. (It's easy enough to remove, anyway.) Some web slinging bars are also included back here, I guess to show that Miles is speeding.

    The other half of the fun is in playing with the set. How well does the set function and is it enjoyable to play with?

    Image of Full Set 1 Image of Full Set 2

    There's not exactly a ton of features for the set. You can role play Miles against Morbius, who comes with two bat pals and two vials of potions. The car itself rolls, and it's got a few stud shooters slapped on to give some play action. Still, this set doesn't go for a cheap gimmick and focuses on a really sleek vehicle design, and I appreciate that.

    Final Thoughts
    Once it's all said and done, how does the set stack up? Should I get it?

    What's to like?

    • Morbius fig?
    • Great car design
    • Lots of good pieces and some rares
    • Especially the blue sword
    • Better than what I'd expect from an inexpensive Marvel set

    What's not to like?

    • Nothing really for Morbius to do?
    • Miles doesn't really need a car
    • Is this a rebranded Speed Champion set?
    • Back spoiler is lackluster compared to the rest
    • Giant blue exhaust flame is a bit much

    I didn't particularly have high expectations when I learned there would be a Miles vs Morbius set, but the car design jams and adds a few cool pieces to the mix. I feel like the build will appeal to older builders while still having a fun Super Heroes vibe for younger audiences. As an inexpensive set, it's a clear winner to pick up.

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